Why do you want to Implementing an Employee Health Initiative? 

Different companies have different reasons; goals and objectives for implementing a health programme.

Improve Employee Health

A wellness programme will help your Employees adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle, make good health choices, and help support behaviour changes over the long term, reducing the risk of chronic health conditions, and cost associated with those conditions (Contact Button) (on clicking the contact button here can the form drag in the reason for implementing programme as this heading “improve employee health”)

Reduce Absence Costs

The cost of absences, both short & long term can be a reduced with health programmes, healthy happy employees are more willing and able to come to work, absences cost per employee per year can be as high as $1000/€800/£700

Engagement & Team Building

One of the best ways of engaging your employees is by getting them engaged in their own health, this is also an excellent way to help build more productive, creative, positive teams across the whole spectrum of your organisation

Retain Staff

As the economy thrives, employment opportunities are greater than ever before, and sometimes salary on its own isn’t enough to retain staff, making Employees feel valued, and demonstrating your care about them & their health can be an important factor in the leaver’s decision making process

Because Everyone Else is Doing It

Not necessarily the worst reason for wanting to implement initiatives, which means you’re probably already doing lots of ad-hoc health initiatives, which can be disconnected & disjointed for Employees, making them feel like your health programme is just a box ticking exercise, we can help you connect all these actives for you under the one umbrella, giving it the look & feel of a more organised, committed, and valued health engagement programme