Workplace Mental Health

Workplace Mental Health

Mental health describes how we think and feel about ourselves and others, it also refers to how we interpret events in everyday life. This relates to our ability to cope with change, transition, significant life events and the stress that often comes from these...
Physical Activity and Your Mental Health

Physical Activity and Your Mental Health

It is a well-known fact that the more exercise and physical activity you do the better your physical health will get, what some people don’t realise is how good physical activity can be for your mental health. There has been many studies and tests to determine whether...
Appropriate exercise for Kudos Health League

Appropriate exercise for Kudos Health League

We at KudosHealth are currently recording information using the following fitness tracking systems: Fitbit, Strava, Run Keeper and Google Fit. Each of these systems has different specialties but the Fitbit also uses an actual tracker apart from the mobile app and has...
Market Research Insights

Market Research Insights

During our research phase we spoke to many employers and employees to find out what they both wanted from workplace health initiatives, especially when it came to the promotion of physical activity, and more importantly didn’t want, here we give you the top 8 points...
6 common foods you should avoid

6 common foods you should avoid

In this post I will outline foods that are best kept to a minimum in your diet and also what makes them unhealthy. Many of these foods will be common in most of your current diets, as always we hope to educate and that you make a healthy change in your lifestyle after...
Use employees’ health data correctly

Use employees’ health data correctly

When enterprise applications used in the workplace are used to eliminate people from internal job opportunities. During a recent exhibition where we were visited by An Taoiseach Enda Kenny, we were asked a very important question that surprisingly enough doesn’t get...